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How to Use

You can use it with any framework of your choice. Just make sure that all your carousel items have class carouselItem

Put the HTML in following manner

<carousel-component mode="MODE_ALTERNATE" template-id="carouselItems2">
  <div class="carouselItem">
      <img height="100px" width="100%"
      alt="" />
  <div class="carouselItem">
      <img height="100px" width="100%"
      alt="" />
  <div class="carouselItem">
      <img height="100px" width="100%"
      alt="" />

Notice that each child of carousel-component tag is having casouelItem class. This will be automated in upcoming versions.


Option NameValue/typePurpose
modeMODE_ALTERNATEThe auto carousel keeps on alternating the direction once it reaches either end
modeMODE_INIFNITEThe auto carousel kepps on moving in right direction always it loops the carousel items
modeMODE_RESTARTThe auto carousel will come back to first child once it reaches to last item to start over again
speedNumberControls the speed of transition from one slide to another in seconds